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Week 6 Message Post- Through His Poverty 2

Week 6 Sermon “Take Home”

Sermon Theme: Through His Poverty 2

Sermon Text: Deu 8:18, 2 Cor 8:9,Gen 4: 1-5, Heb 10:5-11

2 Cor 8:9  For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.

-Wealth usually lasts but riches tend to dissipate. We get wealth by adding value to ourselves.

-The word of God gives us value.

-The word of God washes us. In biblical times, if a lamb was dirty or muddied  and put on the market it would not fetch a good price or value. It was when animals were without blemish that they received the highest market value.

-When we apply the word of God to our lives we are washing ourselves of spot, wrinkle, blemish, etc. By doing so we are adding value to ourselves.

-The blood of Jesus adds value to our lives. In the spiritual realm everything is purified by blood. Even the 10 commandments were dedicated by blood because  it is blood that ratifies a covenant.

Every blood line can be purified by the blood of Jesus. But we must be intentional in order for this to take place. We must identify every spot, wrinkle blemish. If we ask, the Lord  is able to give us grace to identify every spot and every wrinkle that is inherit as a result of what our ancestors did. Once we identify the blemishes that is when we can apply the blood of Jesus and see our lives transform.

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